
The unknown is always unnerving. The inexplicable disturbing.


Not knowing, is a strange itch. Irritating, debilitating. You defend yourself against it. Scratch it out. Figure it out. And if you can’t? Get used to that tingle forever on your skin – refuse to accept it’s different from your defined reality.


Rules are made to be broken. But does anyone? Does anyone live without a body, think without their minds, feel with their skin? Does anyone ever do anything the others don’t? We have our lives defined. Our souls labelled in coded letters like the numbers of a prisoner. And one by one the chains of society thrust upon our bodies till our reality is defined – a prison cell where every untoward emotion is an unacknowledged itch.


You came here with a blank state. And before you could learn how to read and write, it was already filled. No space for you to define yourself. Till you reach that age, where you tell yourself you have erased it all! And now you’ll rewrite your life. But who are you kidding? You never found a duster. You just stick sheet after sheet on top of that slate, till one day the glue comes off and they fall cascading down and you see that first mark of chalk on the black of your board – the coded letter – your first definition – your name.


Who are you? You are nobody. You are whoever wrote on your board. And so now you go write on others board. And definitions get linked to other definitions – till the whole world is defined. And what isn’t, doesn’t exist.


It’s a mastermind. The most beautiful trap ever designed. When the trapped themselves chain the free? – you don’t need a cage.


I may have the courage to write this. You may have the courage to read this. But neither have the courage to accept it.



Play me and then read

Life always has two routes to offer – the longer, harder one and the shorter supposedly easy one. The longer route lies amongst the plains, on stable ground. It meanders into the undergrowth, but there’s always a trail, left behind by the thousands that tread upon that ground before you. You may choose to take detours and every now and then, it’ll help you shorten the distance too. But once in a while, you’ll stumble and fall on your face. These however, are minor falls and you’ll survive. As long as you have the courage to get up. This is the route which, they say is righteous, the toughest and most exacting one and hence the only one worth traversing.

The shorter route on the other hand is supposed to be the easier one. Life is more relaxed, more calm. You always have time to spend upon yourself. However, it has its own perils for it lies upon uncharted territory. There aren’t many trails and it isn’t even certain whether it’ll take you where you want to go. It takes you through mountains and cliffs. And it asks you to take leaps. And while it takes so many safe landings to establish your trust in the path, one fall is enough to break all your bones. The world looks at this route with scepticism. They say its shorter only in distance and urge you to choose the longer one. But, the more you think about it, the more you’ll realize that it’s just a case of sour grapes. This route isn’t for everybody. That’s true. But that doesn’t imply that it isn’t for anybody. It’s easy and short, but only if you discover it first.

Besides, where’s your sense of adventure? Would you rather be flying over hilltops or walking in safety under a canopy that hides the sun in the sky? Yes, the fall hurts. It hurts so bad that sometimes it’s near impossible to get up. But nothing compares to that feeling you get, when you jump off a cliff and land safely on the next.

Turn a screw the wrong way round and you’ll have to work hard to get it in. Turn the same screw the right way and it slides smoothly, effortlessly. Would you then say that the latter is the wrong path to take?

Choose the route that fits you well. On the right path, work is always easy and effortless even though it seems to be difficult to others. So the shortest route isn’t always bad. That’s just something people who missed the sign tell themselves to feel better.

Who are we?

The Gods are the highest form of judgement and blasphemy, the worst of all one’s misdeeds. But why are the Gods always right? Is it because they are genuinely correct or is it simply because they’d be the victors in every war they wage? Are we, Gods’ devout followers, traversing the correct path or are we simply the defeated carrying out our terms of sentence?

They say good always triumphs in the end. But does it?
Is it the truth that enjoys victory or the victor that becomes the truth? Is there truly any demarcation between Good and Bad? Or are they the different names given to the principles of winner and loser?

Open your eyes and look closely. Everything around you will blend together. These colours that seem so different are all part of the same white. There are no lines segregating them except the ones you choose to create. Shift it out of focus and you’ll see – there’s nothing around you. You live in a sea of opinions. Your opinions create your world, your stories. Your beliefs draw the lines. You can’t walk through the wall before you, because you believe it’s solid. So you walk around it. Believe however, that the wall is hollow and you’ll be able to walk straight through it.

You’ve let the opinions of those around you win. So they’re the co-creators of your world. Listen to your heart beat and wage another war. Don’t listen to what they say. Nothing is right. Nothing is wrong. No Good and no Bad.

Become your own champion and you’ll see. There are no gods. Just powerful beings, you were made slave to.

What’s the point of insecurities? guilt? sympathy? fear? Do they make you a good person? Or are they weapons fired to make you lose? Become hedonistic. Do what you truly want. Win this war.